Lambda Expression with Primitive Types in Java: Performance Impact?

Lambda Expression with Primitive Types in Java: Performance Impact?

A significant feature introduced for developers in Java 8+ is the language-level support for lambda expressions.

When using lambda expressions, we aim to avoid a feature introduced in Java 5 called autoboxing and unboxing. This occurs when dealing with primitive data types in Java, as the compiler automatically converts a primitive type to its corresponding object (wrapper class) and vice versa, depending on the code.

When implementing lambda expressions, using primitive data types can lead to a performance hit due to the additional processing involved in autoboxing and unboxing.

The java.util.function provides a set of functional interfaces to play around with primitive data types. Let us see a few:


public interface IntSupplier {

* Gets a result.
* @return a result
*/ int getAsInt();


IntSupplier intSupplier = () -> 18;
int eligibleAgeForVoting = intSupplier.getAsInt();


public interface IntPredicate {

* Evaluates this predicate on the given argument.
* @param value the input argument
* @return {@code true} if the input argument matches the predicate,
* otherwise {@code false}
*/ boolean test(int value);

default IntPredicate and(IntPredicate other) {
return (value) -> test(value) && other.test(value);
} default IntPredicate negate() {
return (value) -> !test(value);
} default IntPredicate or(IntPredicate other) {
return (value) -> test(value) || other.test(value);


IntPredicate isEligibleToVote = (age) -> age >= 18;
boolean isVoting=isEligibleToVote.test(20);


public interface IntConsumer {

* Performs this operation on the given argument.
* @param value the input argument
*/ void accept(int value);

default IntConsumer andThen(IntConsumer after) {
return (int t) -> { accept(t); after.accept(t); };


IntConsumer intConsumer =(x)-> System.out.println(x);


public interface DoubleToIntFunction {

* Applies this function to the given argument.
* @param value the function argument
* @return the function result
*/ int applyAsInt(double value);


DoubleToIntFunction doubleToIntFunction = (someDouble) ->
(int) Math.floor(someDouble);

System.out.println("Value as an int is: " + doubleToIntFunction.applyAsInt(25.5));

Explore the rest of them.

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